Where restfulness meets comfort
Deep, healthy sleep included! You will love the magnificent views here before and after getting up. Every comfort and convenience is available to you in our bright, welcoming rooms: bathroom, TV, radio, telephone. All rooms come with a balcony or patio - some rooms are located in the front of the hotel and some in the back.

Preise / Prices 2024
Preise/Prices 2024 | 08.03. - 27.10.2024 |
Single | CHF 139.- |
Standard* | CHF 219.- |
Superior | CHF 249.- |
Valley View - Holz 100 | CHF 269.- |
Valley View Superior - Holz 100 | CHF 289.- |
Valley View Top | CHF 289.- |
Staubbach" | CHF 269.- |
Staubbach Top" | CHF 289.- |
Jungfrau Spa" | CHF 319.- |
Top-Suite - Holz 100 | CHF 319.- |
Die Preise sind pro Zimmer pro Nacht / rates are per room per night
exkl. Kurtaxe CHF 2.40 pro Person und Tag / excl. local taxes of CHF 2.40 per person per day
inkl. Frühstücksbuffet, gratis Parkplatz & WiFi, Service, Mwst. /
incl. breakfast buffet, free parking & wifi, service & VAT
* die Zimmer befinden sich im Nebengebäude / Chalet " the rooms are located in the annexe / chalet
" einige der Zimmer befinden sich im Nebengebäude / Chalet "some of the rooms are located in the annexe / chalet
Halbpension pro Person & Tag / halfboard for hotel guests per person per day: CHF 35 / CHF 20 (Kids)
(nur während Wintersaison - Dezember bis März / only during winter season - december to march)
Zusatzbetten pro Nacht / extra beds per night
Erwachsene / adults CHF 75
Kinder 7-16 Jahre/ kids 7-16 years CHF 50
Kinder bis 6 Jahre / kids up to 6 years gratis (im Zimmer der Eltern) / free (in their parents room)
Annullationsbedingungen / cancellation terms:
Annullationen bis 17.00 Uhr 5 Tage vor Anreise akzeptieren wir ohne Kostenfolge
Annullationen 4 - 0 Tage vor Anreise, frühzeitige Abreise oder No-Show: 100% des Gesamtpreises
Until 5pm five days before arrival we accept cancellations without costs
Cancellations 4 - 0 days before arrival, early departure or no-show we charge 100% of the full stay
Terms and Conditions
Online bookings
You can now book your rooms online in just three steps. Simply enter your desired arrival date and the number of nights to check the availability of rooms. Next, select the type of room and confirm your booking with details about yourself, your credit card number and its expiry date.
Credit card
A definitive booking can only be made by giving details of a valid credit card number. Your credit card will serve as a guarantee of your booking. When the cancellation deadline has passed, the total amount for your reservation will be charged. If the credit card details are wrong, the booking will not be upheld, in spite of an automated booking confirmation.
Secure transmission of credit card information
The date is backed up by MEWS PCI-DSS compliant.
Booking confirmation
Every booking will automatically be confirmed to your email address (if specified). The confirmation will again contain the exact dates for your booking.
Cancellation conditions, early departure, no-show
Summer/Winter: We will accept cancellations up to 17.00 h, 5 days before arrival, at no cost to you. Cancellations 4 – 0 days before arrival, early departure, no-show: 100% of the total price.
Place of jurisdiction
All contracts concluded with the hotel and business relationships entered into are subject to the local law at the location of the hotel.